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küttesüsteemide ekspertiis


3 sammu küttesüsteemi seadustamiseks: 

Paljud inimesed on ehitanud korterisse kütteseadme (ahju, pliidi või kamina), mis tuleb tagantjärgi seadustada või on soetanud eluruumi, milles paiknev kütteseade on eelmise omaniku poolt mitteseaduslikult paigaldatud. Kuigi küttesüsteemi on juba aastaid kasutatud ja probleeme ei ole esinenud, tuleb siiski tõendada selle ohutus.

Loe lähemalt Päästeameti poolt valmistatud infolehest, mis sammud on küttesüsteemi seadustamiseks vajalikud. 

When must the heating system be inspected?

If there is no project for the hearths in the heating system or a certificate of covered works with execution drawings (by a licensed potter), then an examination of the heating system must be carried out.


Who needs heating system expertise?

The expertise of the heating system is necessary above all for the owner of the house to ensure the safe use of heating stoves. In addition, expertise is necessary for those whoapply for a use permitand in the event that there are no documents on the heating stoves (passport of the heating element from the manufacturer, certificate, certificate of covered works from the installer).

What is done as part of the heating system expertise? 

During the expertise, an assessment is given of the fire safety of the heating system (heating hearths, connecting flue, chimney).


How long does the expertise take?? 

During the visual inspection, an assessment of the building's heating system is given with possible comments. Depending on the number of heaters and chimneys, the inspection may take 2-4 hours, the expert must be sure to have access to all the heaters, including those in the outbuildings, as well as access to the chimneys on the roof. The primary examination result will be completed within 15-30 working days, unless otherwise agreed.

Deficiencies that appear must be eliminated so that the final result is a so-called positive expertise, which ensures the safe use of the building's heating system.


What can I do myself to speed up the completion of the expertise? 

In order to speed up the completion of the heating system expertise, we recommend that the building owner submit the floor plans of the building in advance, showing the locations of the heaters and the chimney sweeping certificate.

What standard documents are the basis of the heating system expertise? 

As standard documents, the expertise is based on:

  1. EVS 812-3:2013 - Heating systems

  2. EVS 812-3:2007 - Heating systems

  3. EVS 812-3:2002 - Heating systems

  4. Rescue Board's instructional material "Building a heating system 2015"

Oleme teie usaldusväärne partner tuleohutuses

Tulipunane OÜ on erakapitalil põhinev ettevõte mis pakub alates aastast 2012 tuleohutusteenuseid. Meie põhiliseks tegevusalaks on erinevate tuleohutuslahenduste väljatöötamine projekteerimis- ja ehitusfaasis. 

Meie tugevuseks on kogenud spetsialistid tuleohutuse valdkonnast, kes leiavad mõistliku lahenduse ka kõige keerulisemas olukorras.

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